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Virtual Reality in Education

Think back to when you were learning about dinosaurs at school. Now imagine, instead of reading a book about them, you could walk with them and completely immerse yourself in their environment. With virtual reality making its way into schools, this kind of learning is not far off.  As a comms agency that has worked extensively with clients in…

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PR – The Silly Season

So much of PR is about timing, and over the course of a year it is common practise to launch campaigns during hooks in the calendar. While across the rest of the year we celebrate days like women in tech and international productivity day, in the summer season all we seem to celebrate are days dedicated to ice cream,…

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Ten Tips to Increase Productivity for Remote Workers

Remote working doesn’t suit everybody. It takes self discipline, motivation and focus, but if you can get to grips with that you can find you can be more productive than you would be working in a 9-5 office. The freedom to create your own schedule, fit in other tasks around your working hours and save time and money on…

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